The Online Nostalgia and Historical Auto Racing Show from the RaceRemote™ Motorsports Network
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Race Rewind Interviews Dick Harroun – Son of Ray Harroun – the first Indy 500 Champion – Segment # 6 with Dick Harroun

The month of May brings thoughts and memories and anticipation of the Indianapolis 500 to millions of people all over the world.

The running this month of the ninety first edition of the Indianapolis 500 will no doubt be exciting – as it always is.

But just imagine what it must have been like – to be there in person for the first Indy 500 – back in 1911. What those drivers experienced – and felt as they took the checkered flag is only something that we can speculate on today.

At the first ever running of the Indianapolis 500 in 1911 Ray Harroun was the first driver to take “that” checkered flag – behind the wheel of his Marmon Wasp.

The first driver ever to win the Indy 500 – also won that inaugural event driving “solo” – which was totally unheard of in his day.

Now fast forward to 2007 – and we soon hear the roar from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway as the 91st running of the Indy 500 takes place.

We couldn’t think of a better time to launch the initial episodes of the Race Rewind Podcast on RaceRemote. Who better to open with than Dick Harroun ? – Son of the legendary racer Ray Harroun – and a very accomplished racer himself.

Race Rewind takes you to the home of Dick Harroun and his wife Lolly – for the sixth segment in our Race Rewind series on RaceRemote dedicated to the Harroun family and all the great racing families that have made the Indianapolis Motor Speedway – the “Brickyard” – what it is today.

Some Highlights from this sixth segment of Race Rewind on Race Remote
Dick Harroun discusses:

Go Karts

  • Flat Rock Speedway
  • 1945 Fairchild PT 29 A
  • 1946 plans for the Harroun Midget RaceCar
  • HTS – Engineering Harroun
    Trump and Stafford
  • Eight Cylinder Opposed 3
    Valve Engine Motor Spity Seedway
  • Motor City Speedway
  • Roy Richter’s first visit
    to Detroit
  • Chris Cross Fonty
  • Roy Richter and Bell Auto Parts
  • Derek Ross Dick Harroun and Lolly


    1 comment

    1 Fred Brockman { 04.17.08 at 5:07 am }

    I am from the Spartansburg, Pennsylvania area. Trying to find out local history on the Harrouns. Can any one provide me with any information?