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Category — The 24 Hours of LeMons

24 Hours of LeMons Southern Style

If you have never seen one of the 24 Hours of Lemons race events in person you won’t believe it.

Recently we had the good fortune of attending the second day of the 24 Hours of Lemons event at Carolina Motorsports Park in South Carolina.

It is unlike any other Motorsport event that we have witnessed or ever been a part of. This is an event that you do need to see in person.

This RoadRacersPodcast is a little different than usual.

First off we will bring you some audio direct from the event.

Then second we move onto the signature event for the 24 Hours of Lemons. Yes at each event there is a car crushing.  At this event there was a great showing of passion for Motorsports and the crowd decided something unexpected.  You will have to listen to the show to find out what happened.

Lastly, we went back into the audio archive vault to search out an interview we did some time ago.  A few years back we interviewed a winning team member from the 2007 Thunderhill Raceway 24 Hours of Lemons event – Sean Hedrick.

We would like to thank everyone at the 24 Hours of Lemons for putting on such a great event and a special thanks to the following for their hospitality at the race.

We don’t mean a catered hospitality suite trackside or anything like that.  We just mean real good old racing passion and excitement.

24 Hours of LeMons at Carolina Motorsport Park September 2009

Jochen Tartak of Carolina Motorsport Park

Jochen Tartak


Team PLN at Speed

TEAM PLN Relaxing

Meatyballs Racing

MeatyBalls Racing

Tom Cotter and the Son of a Blitzen Team

Son of a Blitzen

Son of a Blitzen Waiting

Thanks all for making it a blast .


Heading for the crusher


October 2, 2009   2 Comments