The Online Auto Racing Show about Open Wheel Racing from the RaceRemote™ Motorsports Media Network
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Randy Bernard IndyCar’s Lead Driver

IndyCar’s New CEO Randy Bernard has gone from riding a wild bull to being the lead driver in a race to get Open Wheel Racing back into the Winner’s Circle.

Randy has set himself some performance markers in his journey to regain the hearts and minds of the North American Motorsport fan.

“If I can’t make big changes in two years, they should fire me” says Randy Bernard.

Randy is often shown smiling with IndyCar drivers and one can easily read about his recent posting to the helm of the Izod IndyCar Series in many places.

We have a different goal here on the SidePods Podcast. We wanted to go beyond the typical PR quotes and pull back the curtain to reveal Randy’s passion for life and the challenges ahead of him.

You may already know that Randy Bernard’s past includes being a big part of the PBR. But what is it that really drives him forward ?  And where is it that he and the ship he steers known as the Izod IndyCar Series is really heading to ?

Listen in as Randy and I discuss bulls, broccoli, barley and the big changes that lay ahead for the Izod IndyCar Series.

We hope you enjoy our exclusive one on one interview with Randy Bernard on the SidePods Podcast.

Randy Bernard IndyCar CEO and Johnny Rutherford

Thank you for joining us.
